Malartsik leaves positive influence on softball teammates

Softball player Megan Malartsik looks up during class. Malartsik is playing softball next year at Western Michigan University. Photo by Riley Matos

Alexa Di Novo, Staff Reporter

There’s always a name that pops up whenever softball players think about the most passionate player on their team.

They’re usually talking about Megan Malartsik.

“She has that soft voice, but there’s always a smile on her face,” teammate Ariana Trausch said. “She has lots of energy, she’s always like ‘Let’s go! You guys got this!'”

Malartsik is the glue that holds the softball team together. She’ll be playing softball at Western Michigan University in college next year, but it’s the impact at Elk Grove that is going to miss her presence in the dugout.

“Megan has been terrific,” head coach Ken Grams said. “She’s a great teammate and person to work with.”

EGHS Senior athlete, Megan Malartsik, has been playing softball since second grade. It began as a back up sport, but she quickly fell in love, and it eventually continued throughout high school. 

“I was playing soccer, but then I was a goalie and got kicked in the head, so I quit soccer and had nothing to do so I just followed my sisters and did softball,” Malartsik said. 

Ever since the beginning, Malartsik knew she wanted to continue this sport. She qualified for some travel teams to refine her softball craft. 

“I was able to get on a travel team, that made it possible and it was really exciting and made the game something bigger and more competitive,” Malartsik said. 

Playing for both EGHS and a travel team meant that Malartsik was getting noticed for her softball ability. Prior to her WMU commitment, Malartsik found ways to connect with the softball team at EGHS. For instance, in the spring season, Grams prioritizes the mental wellbeing of his athletes. 

“My hope is that they can come and talk to us about their issues whether it be about what schools to go to or what classes they might have a little problem with,” Grams said. 

This mindset has also carried on to his athletes. In fact, junior athlete Trausch made it a priority to check in on her teammates as well, which is also reciprocated.

“We all check in on each other, we all care for each other,” Trausch said. “Earlier this year, I was having such a bad moment because I was having so many injuries back-to-back, and I hadn’t been able to play. They [my teammates] all came up to me and hugged me and we were all crying together.”

The great bond of the athletes carried through the season, and even through the summer, thanks to Malartsik’s influence on the team.

“My high school softball team is so close,” Trausch said. “It’s the closest team I’ve ever been with.”