Column: You get 4 years of high school

Natalia Habas, Editor-in-Chief

Now is the time of year when you open up our newspaper and come across your traditional senior columns. They’re full of advice, inspiration, and touching stories that make you rethink your school years.

That’s cute and great and all, but I’d rather be candid and pass on things you should really know to get through the rest of your years at Elk Grove.

Consider this Natalia’s official rulebook of surviving high school.

First of all, never sit by the air conditioner in a classroom. You will be sick all year. Trust me, I sat by the vent in my English class my junior year and I was sick all of second semester. 

Second, always bring a hoodie to your science class. The classrooms are always freezing no matter what time of the year it is. 

Third, just park in the student lot if you drive to school.

Also, do not eat the cookies from the cafeteria. I wasn’t going to get into this one, so I will just say don’t eat them. 

Moving on, at the risk of sounding like your mom, I’m going to get a little more serious now. 

High school isn’t as serious as you think it is. You get four years of this. You’re at a beautiful time in your life.

With that, I want you to take time for yourself. Slow down and define moments that belong only to you Go to that football game on Friday night. Sign up for that sport you’re thinking about joining. Sit with someone new at lunch every week. Ask them to the school dance. Get your license. No one is joking when they say high school flies by. 

To the classes below me, savor it as much as you can. Cherish it.